We need your help to continue the history of excellence that the Bands of Wando and our middle school programs have earned. Our music programs rely on continually recruiting new, and retaining existing, students of all musical ability levels. It may be hard to believe, but the majority of our exceptionally talented musicians at Wando began their musical journey by joining our middle school band programs with no experience playing an instrument whatsoever. We ask that you explore the following promotional videos of our middle school programs and the Bands of Wando and then register your young students in the fine music programs that our schools have to offer.
- Why Wando Band?: 4 years, 5 minutes (video)
- Bands of Wando 8th grade recruiting (video)
- Student Leadership (video)
- Supporting Wando Bands (video)
- Middle school band programs seek innovative ways to recruit (Moultrie News)
- Cario students say about band (video)
- Join the Cario Band - information about 6th Grade Beginning Band (presentation)
- Cario Bands Promo (video)